20th September 2021
Photographer: David Kojo Dagadu (age 19), Apeguso Senior High school, Akosombo, Ghana.
YRE Category: Pollution. SDG 1, 4,7, 12, 14 and 15.
Photo story made by David Kojo Dagadu, about the woman who collects the plastic waste from his teacher Margaret Ayerno´s house.
“A woman living in a suburb of Akosombo, was collecting the used water sachets bags at my house but she wanted to stop, because according to her, people were making fun of her because she was collecting the waste. So I encouraged her, and she continued. I packed mine neatly for her when she came to my house.
Just before the Covid-19 she bought a piece of traditional cloth from the proceeds she realized from the sales of the used water sachets. The meaning of the pattern of the traditional cloth she bought is "You think I will be a waste". Because she had no job, people think she is useless and that is why when she got the money she decided to buy that particular cloth which has such a name.
I donated an Eco-Schools T-shirt to her because of the hard work she is doing to protect the environment.
I educated the fishmonger that the plastic would kill the fish if it was not prevented from ending up in the water. The fishmonger women, who had started buying the plastics from them, now take the collected plastic waste to the recycling factories for the women that collect it.
Now she has created a good market for the used sachets so more women are collecting.
I tried organizing the students at Akosombo International School to cover their story with an article, but because of the COVID-19 situation at the school they were not allowed to leave the school's premises. Luckily David came along from Apeguso High School to take the photos. I am now planning to organize the waste pickers and form a Women Eco-Club in their locality where our Eco-Schools students can come and share their knowledge on the importance of good waste management with them when COVID-19 is over. The story reflects many of the SDG´s such as 1, 4.7, 12,14 and 15.”
Margaret Ayernor
Eco-Schools coordinator; Akosombo
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